1972 Catalogs-Performance Package

 The Performance Package

Mr. Clyde A. Harbin Sr. hand assembled "The Performance Package" booklets.  These books of catalogues provided accurate data and instructional reference information for Mr. Harbin's Bas-Tek-Neke Seminars and Bass Schools.  Mr. Harbin stored one box of these catalogues thirty some years ago and had forgotten about them until now.  After finding them again in 2001 Mr. Harbin has allowed me to post this "Mother Lode of 1970 - 1972 catalogs" to share with lure collectors.

 Front Cover of "The Performance Package"
Front Cover of "The Performance Package"
Performance Package
"The Performance Package"
"The Performance Package"
"The Performance Package"
Back Cover of "The Performance Package"


"These images are included in this website with specific permission granted by PRADCO Outdoor Brands/EBSCO Industries Inc.   Any reproduction of these images for publication or sale is strictly prohibited.  These images are copyrights of PRADCO Outdoor Brands/EBSCO Industries." 

Special permission was granted to post images of the Rebel, Heddon, Cotton Cordell, Smithwick, Creek Chub, Bomber and Arbogast catalogs on this website.    

The below catalogues from "The Performance Package" are the complements of Mr. Clyde A. Harbin Sr.  (The Famous Bassman).  To view an individual catalogue simply click on the company name below the catalog picture.  Be advised entire catalogues may not be posted.


Bomber Baits
Championship Tackle
Arbogast Bomber Baits Burke

Cham-pion-ship Tackle

Cisco Kid
Creek Chub
Cisco Kid Cordell Creek Chub Creme
Heddon 1971
Heddon 1972
Fenwick Garcia Heddon 1971 Heddon 1972
Bill Norman
Ol' Ben's
Mann's Bill Norman Ol' Ben's Ranger
True Temper
Rebel Shake-speare Smith-wick True Temper
Whopper Stopper
One Page Catalogs
Foot Print Owners
UMCO Whopper Stopper One Page Catalogs Foot Print Owners




My Bait Shop Updates:

Here are some additional updates:
-Some company names in the links above are broken apart so they appear on one screen in mobile view.


Related Articles / Pages:

History Index:  A quick index of all of our history pages.  From Lure Lore and Fishing History sections to everything else we have on My Bait Shop dedicated to the preservation and education of fishing history.

Antique Fishing Lures:  More articles from the archives of AntiqueFishingLures.com

Lure Lore:  More great Lure Lore articles on My Bait Shop featuring in depth lure reviews and historical data.  An ever-growing section started in 1997 and continued on today at My Bait Shop.

Lures For Sale:  See what we have in stock at My Bait Shop for vintage lures.  Our ever changing inventory makes this worth repeat visits.


If you have any further information on any of the items displayed on this page which you'd like to share, please send your comments to me and I'll update the page accordingly. Contributions of interesting items and/or unknowns are encouraged.

(Originally Published on AntiqueFishingLures.com)
Moved to My Bait Shop in 2024 and updated as applicable

© 2024, My Bait Shop, LLC