Lure Mysteries Episode 5: "A Case of Musky Fever"

Webster's dictionary defines "Musky Fever" as: "a serious and sometimes fatal medical condition in which the frontal lobe of the brain swells and sends impulses to the body focusing on the singular purpose of pursuing the Esox masquinongy, commonly referred to as a muskellunge or musky. This condition is usually more prevalent in males but not exclusively and tends to be more common in men over age 40. Risk factors include owning too much fishing gear, weekend fishing in states such as Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan and some Canadian provinces. Despite much research there currently is no cure for this condition. Treatment plans include large purchases of musky fishing tackle and common association with others affected with this condition. Common purchases from My Bait Shop does appear to be an effective treatment plan, especially during winter months. Note, it does appear that this condition can be contagious."
Well, obviously the above isn't from Webster's but it was kind of fun. This week's episode of Lure Mysteries is a "musky lure" in the sense that it is a musky. This lure as usual came to me in a large lot of lures I purchased and this one kind of stood out by itself. It's unlike any lure I've ever seen. It's a plastic mold like something you would have made in shop class in high school or got molded at the zoo gift shop on a field trip. It's plastic but a hard rigid clear type of plastic. The detail on it is fantastic and it's a real cool little lure. It's about 4" long and has some raised areas. Looks like it would fish well but appears unused.
I call this week's episode musky fever because obviously the lure is a musky but I got excited about this lure. I didn't want to post it for sale. It is currently for sale and you can see a link to it here unless I decide to take it down and keep it.
Below are a couple of pictures of the lure in question:

I would also add that despite the "one off" feel of this lure it is very well made and I don't think this is a hand made lure by a hobbyist. I think this was probably a small company production lure. There are probably some others in this series that honestly might make a pretty cool collection if they could be found.
Do you know what this lure is? Any information that may lead to the ID of this lure and the maker / company is greatly appreciated. Please comment below with any information or leads you may have. I will update this post when we have cracked this case. Also be sure to check out all of our other Lure Mysteries episodes to help us solve all of our cold cases.
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